BBQ Chicken Sweet Potatoes
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BBQ Chicken Sweet Potatoes

Prep: 20 minutes
Microwave/Cook: 22 minutes • serves: 4

4 large sweet potatoes
3 slices turkey bacon, chopped
3/4 cup packed shredded boneless, skinless rotisserie chicken breast meat
1/2 cup frozen Our Family® Cut Sweet Corn
1/4 cup reduced sugar BBQ sauce
Optional Toppings: Our Family® Plain Light Nonfat Greek Yogurt, Our Family® Shredded Mild Cheddar Cheese and/or chopped fresh cilantro
1/4 cup chopped red onion

1.Pierce potatoes all over with fork. On large, microwave-safe plate, heat potatoes in microwave oven on high 12 minutes or until easily pierced with a knife, turning once halfway through heating.

2.In large skillet, cook bacon over medium-high heat 5 minutes or until crisp, stirring occasionally; with slotted spoon, transfer bacon to paper towel-lined plate. Makes about 1/4 cup bacon.

3.In same skillet with drippings, cook chicken, corn, sauce and 2 tablespoons water over medium-high heat 5 minutes or until heated through, stirring occasionally. Makes about 1 cup chicken mixture.

4.Cut 5-inch-long slit in top of each potato; fill with chicken mixture. Serve potatoes topped with yogurt, cheese and/or cilantro, if desired, sprinkled with onion and bacon. Makes 4 stuffed sweet potatoes.

Approximate nutritional values per serving (1 stuffed sweet potato):
419 Calories, 4g Fat, 1g Saturated Fat, 50mg Cholesterol, 660mg Sodium,
77g Carbohydrates, 11g Fiber, 18g Sugars, 3g Added Sugars, 20g Protein


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